Please scroll down to see more on the stages of reading development!
Book Logs: This is a copy of the book log that you will need to record your child's reading at home on. You can click on this picture to print OR you can just keep a record on any sheet of paper - no official book log needed!
Click on the image to enlarge and print!
All students are given a book log in the front of their planner at the beginning of the year. As your child reads at home, fill in their book log. Each time they fill in a book log, it is THEIR responsibility to return it and get a new one in class or you may print one from home. For each book log they return, they get a trip to the treasure chest and a star on our book log chart in class. We track how many books they have read using stars here in class. There will be a mid-year party for students who have met half of their yearly goal of 76 picture books. If your child reads chapter books, each chapter counts as one book on their book log. There will be an end of year party for students who reach their total goal. This can sneak up on you fast, don't wait!!
Stages of Reading Development
The Stages of Reading Development is
a continuum that explains how students progress as readers. These
stages are based on the students' experience and not their age or grade
level. Knowing these stages is helpful when developing materials for
specific types of readers.
Emergent readers need enriching and enjoyable experiences with books, especially picture books. Students can become comfortable with books even before they can read independentlyrecognizing letters and words and even language patterns. They are able to work with concepts of print and are at the beginning stages of developing the ability to focus attention on letter-sound relationships. Sharing books over and over, extending stories, relating experiences to both print and pictures, and guiding students to "read," helps children begin to make predictions about what they are reading.
Early readers are able to use several strategies to predict a word, often using pictures to confirm predictions. They can discuss the background of the story to better understand the actions in the story and the message the story carries. It is this time in the reader's development that the cueing systems are called upon significantly, so they must pay close attention to the visual cues and language patterns, and read for meaning. It is a time when reading habits of risk-taking, and of predicting and confirming words while keeping the meaning in mind are established.
Transitional readers often like to read books in a series as a comprehension strategy; the shared characters, settings, and events support their reading development. They read at a good pace; reading rate is one sign of a child's over-all comprehension. At this stage, children generally have strategies to figure out most words but continue to need help with understanding increasingly more difficult text.
Fluent readers are confident in their understandings of text and how text works, and they are reading independently. The teacher focuses on students' competence in using strategies to integrate the cueing systems. Students are maintaining meaning through longer and more complex stretches of language. An effective reader has come to understand text as something that influences people's ideas.
Emergent readers need enriching and enjoyable experiences with books, especially picture books. Students can become comfortable with books even before they can read independentlyrecognizing letters and words and even language patterns. They are able to work with concepts of print and are at the beginning stages of developing the ability to focus attention on letter-sound relationships. Sharing books over and over, extending stories, relating experiences to both print and pictures, and guiding students to "read," helps children begin to make predictions about what they are reading.
Early readers are able to use several strategies to predict a word, often using pictures to confirm predictions. They can discuss the background of the story to better understand the actions in the story and the message the story carries. It is this time in the reader's development that the cueing systems are called upon significantly, so they must pay close attention to the visual cues and language patterns, and read for meaning. It is a time when reading habits of risk-taking, and of predicting and confirming words while keeping the meaning in mind are established.
Transitional readers often like to read books in a series as a comprehension strategy; the shared characters, settings, and events support their reading development. They read at a good pace; reading rate is one sign of a child's over-all comprehension. At this stage, children generally have strategies to figure out most words but continue to need help with understanding increasingly more difficult text.
Fluent readers are confident in their understandings of text and how text works, and they are reading independently. The teacher focuses on students' competence in using strategies to integrate the cueing systems. Students are maintaining meaning through longer and more complex stretches of language. An effective reader has come to understand text as something that influences people's ideas.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (2012)