Updated 8-12-20 First Grade Supply List 2020-2021
Important Message
Dear Parents - The supply list provided by the school has items that we will NOT need in our class. I have two different supply lists shown below - one if our class should return to in person learning and one if we are learning virtually through DHR. The only supplies that we will be sharing (if we return to face to face learning) this year are the disinfecting wipes, Lysol spray and Ziploc bags. EVERYTHING else should have your child's name clearly printed on. Please take all packing and wrapping off of supplies and label each item with your child's name. You will notice a plastic basket on the in-class supply list below. If we are meeting in class, all of your child's supplies will go in this plastic basket to be placed under your child's desk. Your child will use their own soap and their own hand sanitizer and tissues in class, so keep that in mind when you choose a size to purchase. I completely understand that you may not be able to find the hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, and Lysol spray. For those of you that are able to find it, that's AWESOME!!
(Important: the above picture shows supplies that I would like your child to have only if we return to face to face. If your child goes to another teacher, their supply list may vary from this. I would also like to add a zipper pencil pouch to the above face to face list.)
I forgot to add scissors! Your child will need scissors for the virtual list.
*UPDATED 08-18-20: The art teacher is requesting that your child have a watercolor paint set and a pink eraser. The other supplies she has requested are already on our class list.