Hello Parents,
If you haven't already read the welcome message, just scroll your screen down to the post below this one! I'm so glad that you're here reading our class blog! 💗
As the title above suggests, and you probably already know, we have our virtual orientation on Monday, August 17th at 10:30 a.m on our Duval HomeRoom TEAM page. If you haven't been to our TEAM page yet, please login through Duval HomeRoom and make sure that you can access it before our call. Your child may already have multiple TEAM pages for different classes, but this is what our class looks like:
I've already emailed an invite out to each email(s) that you provided the school when you enrolled your child. On Monday, if you should have any trouble accessing the Orientation on our TEAMS page, please don't worry! I will be posting the PowerPoint to our TEAMS page after the meeting. If you have trouble accessing our TEAMS page, please email me at plisht@duvalschools.org.
If you weren't able to stop by the school today to pick up your child's learning materials, an additional pick-up date has been added for Wednesday, August 19th from 9:00 - 11:30.
Have a wonderful weekend with your family and please feel free to email me any questions.
Mrs. Plish