August 22, 2020

Class DoJo

Dear Parents,

For ease of communication I have switched us over to Class Dojo.  I'll keep our class blog here just as a storage tool to keep the helpful information found in the tabs above and the links on the side bars. 


Mrs. Plish

August 18, 2020

It's Almost The Big Day!

Hello Parents,

Here we are on the eve of the eve of our first day of first grade in virtual learning!  As I mentioned in our Orientation on Monday, I'll post our class schedule here and on our TEAMS page as soon as I receive the details - which should be tomorrow👍  

As we embark on this new adventure together, I ask for your patience and grace as I'm sure we'll face a few bumps along the way on this new journey, and I intend to provide you and your little ones with much of the same.  For example, I can't tell you how much I appreciated your patience as my PowerPoint loaded and loaded and loaded during our Orientation!  Although it was out of my hands due to connections issues, I wanted it to be perfect for you.  So, we just have to agree that some things are out of our control and make the best of it!!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions and I'll do my best to answer them😊

This is just a reminder that I'll see your little ones on Thursday morning at 8:30 on our TEAMS page💓

Until then,

Mrs. Plish

August 14, 2020

Orientation on Monday (Updated 08-16-20)

Hello Parents,

If you haven't already read the welcome message, just scroll your screen down to the post below this one!  I'm so glad that you're here reading our class blog! 💗 

As the title above suggests, and you probably already know, we have our virtual orientation on Monday, August 17th at 10:30 a.m on our Duval HomeRoom TEAM page.  If you haven't been to our TEAM page yet, please login through Duval HomeRoom and make sure that you can access it before our call.  Your child may already have multiple TEAM pages for different classes, but this is what our class looks like:
I've already emailed an invite out to each email(s) that you provided the school when you enrolled your child.  On Monday, if you should have any trouble accessing the Orientation on our TEAMS page, please don't worry!  I will be posting the PowerPoint to our TEAMS page after the meeting.  If you have trouble accessing our TEAMS page, please email me at

If you weren't able to stop by the school today to pick up your child's learning materials, an additional pick-up date has been added for Wednesday, August 19th from 9:00 - 11:30.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family and please feel free to email me any questions.


Mrs. Plish

August 3, 2020

Welcome! (Updated)

Updated 08-12-20
Hello Parents,

If you're reading this, then your child has been assigned to my virtual class in Duval HomeRoom, and for that, I'm very thankful!  It's going to be a great year of learning and growing together!  

Until we meet, please take some time to read each of the tabs located directly above this post and you'll get an idea how everything runs here in first grade.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!  We'll use this blog as our primary source of sharing and gathering information.

Be sure to check back here often for class updates.  I can't wait to meet each of you❤


Mrs. Plish