Readiness Checklist

Is my child ready for first grade?

I am frequently asked what a child needs to know going into first grade.  Well, every child is unique and reaches their developmental milestones at their own pace, so those skills can be hard to pinpoint.  However, to give you an idea, here are the skills that we would love to see a shiny new first grader have coming in on the first day of school:

  • Can identify all letters, uppercase and lowercase
  • Can identify numbers 1-20
  • Can print first name
  • Can print all letters; upper case and lower case forming letters from top to bottom, left to right (see Print tab above for more details)
  • Can hold scissors correctly
  • Can cut with scissors independently
  • Knows and can communicate full name and parents' names
  • Knows and can communicate home address
  • Knows and can communicate parents' phone number
  • Knows and can communicate bus number (if a bus rider)
  • Can tie shoes
  • Can zip zippers
  • Can button buttons
  • Can blow nose independently
  • Is an independent problem solver  Examples: (my pencil is broken - I get a new one from the can, I have to use the bathroom - I go to the bathroom, I need to open the door - I turn the handle and push, I dropped my crayon - I bend down and pick it up, I need something - I ask the teacher, I'm upset about something - I tell the teacher, I was asked a question - I answer the question or communicate my thoughts or ideas, I need a book log - I get a book log, I have a note for the teacher - I give the note to the teacher, I need a tissue - I get a tissue)
  • Is kind to others in word and deed
  • Is ready to learn
  • Bonus: Can read all kindergarten sight words

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